Sunday, March 25, 2012

We've Added a Classic Viral Video Section (Part 1)

Joke Grenade has added a classic viral video section for all of your favorite viral videos over the last decade.  David After Dentist, an all-time fave, kicks it off.  If you've been living under a rock, this is the video of the seven-year old boy who is freaked out about being doped up after a visit to the dentist.  As he is being driven home by his father, he asks, "Is this real life?"  All Your Base Now Belong to Us is the photoshop-friendly joke on the poorly-translated Japanese video game "Zero Wing" by Sega.  It is very cleverly done.  The Exploding Whale, which is both funny and disgusting, made the cut on Joke Grenade's Top 20.  It has it all: in-depth reporting, the beach, explosives and tons and tons of whale guts.  Battle at Kruger is the eight-minute nature video of the epic battle between a herd of buffalo, a pride of lions and 2 or 3 crocodiles.  This is pretty crazy stuff.  Stick around for the whole thing if you've never seen it all.  The payoff is worth it.
Charlie the Unicorn cracks me up because it combines a mythical creature with the urban legend of (SPOILER ALERT) having your kidneys taken out for sale on the black market.  Poor Charlie gets duped by a couple of other unicorns.  There's no such thing as Candy Land.  The video producer also felt the need to add Double Rainbow even though that got played waaaay out!  But it's still a classic nonetheless.  What does it all mean, you wonder?  Check out the video:  Matrix Ping Pong made the Joke Grenade All-Time list as well.  That is so well done.  And remember, if your body dies in the Ping Pong Matrix... you die here.  The body cannot volley for serve without the mind.  Also, remember Where the Hell is Matt? Rocking his signature dance, Matt travels the world with a "Stride" sponsorship.  Not too shabby!
Plus, Winnebago Man wants to sell you a fucking RV!  This potty mouth made our list for sure.  Absolutely hysterical!  Grape Girl Falls, in case you missed it, is the video of the woman giving wine-making/grape-stomping tips on live television and then bites it and falls on her face.  Funny stuff.  Check out the rest in the web classic gallery:

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